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Our impact

One definition of ‘Impact’ is a ‘Strong effect or influence on a situation or a person.’  At Wave Hub, we have indeed been able to affect the lives of local people, who attend the café and participate in our varied events.  The committed volunteers who contribute so much to the running of the café state how involvement in the Hub has also impacted on their lives.  And our collaborations with other local organisations such as the Harington Scheme and CJ’s Bakery create strong community links.


There is a real buzz on Thursdays when the café is in full flow.  Where else in The Muswell Hill environs could those with and without learning disabilities mix together, completely at ease?  A setting that is both valuable and unique.


Through our signposting surgery in which we offer general advice on the practicalities of living with learning disabilities, we have also been able to assist families, who have ‘slipped through the net’ in terms of official support and assistance.  One such instance is that of a mother in her late 80’s, residing with her daughter, ‘L’ who has Down’s syndrome.  ‘L’s working sister lives some distance away and was at the end of her tether regarding the social isolation of her sister and mother.  After a visit to Wave Hub, we were able to advise the family who then initiated support through the Haringey Community Learning Disabilities Team, their GP, and the local hospital’s ENT service.  It is hoped that ‘L’ will commence attendance at a Day Centre shortly and she and her mother are now supported in a number of practical ways via Haringey Social Services.


‘L’s sister commented, “It’s coming up to nearly a year since we first met, and we are getting results. I would like to add that thankfully Mum is not on her own, myself and other brothers and sister have all contributed to getting the help for ‘L’ once being pointed in the right direction.


Without a visit to Wave Hub none of this might have ensued.  We believe Wave Hub has had a significant impact on the lives of the local residents who frequent our and contribute to everything we do.


Wave Hub  -  where we're all valued equally     charity no. 1171421   @wavehubN10 

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